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Bridge and Engage the

Multi-Generational Talent

Non-WSQ  (2-Day)

Business Meeting

Workshop Description

The World has changed and we are living in a rapidly changing global workplace. In the next decade, the most organisation will have an average of 70% millennials in their workforce. Organizations that focus their efforts and help both the Millennial Generation and Generation X to “connect” will be able to guarantee their success in the future. During this 2-day Masterclass, participants will create an effective action plan to deal with your real environment and make it conducive for the multigenerational workforce to thrive. The outcomes include:


  1. Identifying the behaviour gaps within the multigenerational workforce ( Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y and Millennials)

  2. Learn the 4 Steps to win over Millennials – Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose and Connectedness

  3. How to manage/motivate the Multigenerational workforce

  4. Align and create thriving multigenerational teams and workforce in your organisation

White Feather
Workshop Methodology
The learning has been structured as a 2-day interactive workshop led by our experienced trainers.  The workshops will contain a series of power point slides, accompanying information, written activities and reflective tasks and videos.
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